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The Paleolithic or the Old Stone Age is the earliest and longest period of human history. The humans of this age settled the hilly area of Oaş, earning their existence by hunting and gathering. Their tools and weapons were made of chipped-stone.

Neolithic, Copper Age

In this period, the human society was completely transformed. The humans abandoned gathering and started the deliberate production of goods: agriculture, husbandry, weaving, and pottery. In this period, the first sedentary settlements appeared on the territory of Satu Mare County.

Bronze Age

After the instabilities of the early period of the Bronze Age, inhabitants of Satu Mare County started to create a high-level civilization. This was marked by the emergence of multi-layered (tell type) settlements with highly developed metallurgy and material-culture, starting from the middle period of the Bronze Age.

Iron Age

In this period appeared and spread the use of the new metal: the iron. The human society was stratified significantly, as it is shown by the emergence of fortified settlements and the great number of iron tools and weapons.
Later Dacians and Celts inhabited the territory of Satu Mare County. For the first time, money was used for commercial transactions.

Roman Age

The Dacian and German material culture were gradually Romanized, inhabitants of Satu Mare county acquired the achievements of the Roman civilization, and the development of the settlements were the highest than ever before.

Migration Period

In this period, Avars and Germans-Gepids inhabited the region of Carei, Slavs were in the valleys of Someş and Crasna, while early Romanians and Hungarians appeared also in the territory of Satu Mare County. The society, economy, and political organization developed gradually toward the feudalism.

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages is defined here as the period of the 11th and 16th centuries. It can be studied with the combination of written and archaeological sources. The County of Satu Mare comprise today the main parts of the historical territories and it was established in the second half of the 11th century along the inferior valley of the River Someş. The most important medieval monuments of the county are the castles of Tămăşeni, Ardud, Medieşu Aurit and the churches of Acâş, Hodod, Tăşnad, Vetiş, Halmeu.


County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Tel.: 004 0261 737526
Fax.: 004 0261 768761
Email:[email protected]

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