The building of the edifice started in 1865 and went on for 25 years. The church is situated on the top of a hill and towers over the village. The access way is made through a recently built porch, in 1997-1998, holding on circular columns and decorated with three-lobed arches. The clock tower and the semicircular windows at the upper part rise two levels above the nave. The shingle that used to cover the roof was replaced with tin in 1924. The altar is shaped like a semicircular apse. The inside paintings and the iconostasis were made in the period 1988-1990. Recently, the church was fit with modern windows of the latest technology, preserving the old shapes, semicircular at the upper part.
County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
România Tel.: 004 0261 737526 Fax.: 004 0261 768761 Email:[email protected]
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