The Greek catholic community of Cidreag became parish at the beginning of the 20th century. The stone church was built at this time, following the classic types: the tower on the façade, two side apses and a semicircular sanctuary. The nave has spherical vaulted. The most important ornament of the church is the iconostasis, originating from the old wooden church. The majority of the elements from the old iconostasis have been reused and set in a new frame, adjusted to the width of the new church and to the triumphal arch. The paintings depicting The Last Supper, Jesus the Main Priest, The Crucifixion, and the icons of the Prophets have been remade, together with the diaconal doors. The old icons and the late baroque frame have been painted during the first part of the 19th century, the source of inspiration being the iconostasis of the cathedral of Uzhorod. (TSz).
County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
România Tel.: 004 0261 737526 Fax.: 004 0261 768761 Email:[email protected]
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