The Orthodox Church of Bocicau was built between 1901-1904, instead of a wooden church of „The Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel”. The tower that shelters the main entrance in the church is preceded by a porch held by four columns with arches, comprising three bodies with separate roofs each. The median side body is the tallest and has a circular niche at the upper part. On both sides of the entrance door are painted the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The watch tower is fit with an onion shaped roof and a lantern. The facade was partially restored in 1939, after it was distroyed by an earthquake. The iconostasis was replaced in the 1995-1996 at the same time with the entire painting inside the church. Then, was also made the belfry-tower. The patrimony of the parish comprises four glass painted icons (The Holy Virgin and Her Son, Heaven’s Table, Saint Nicholas and The Holy Trinity), very precious, dating from the 18th century. The yard of the church shelters the grave of the priest Paul Augustin, the most important personality of the religious life in this area.
County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
România Tel.: 004 0261 737526 Fax.: 004 0261 768761 Email:[email protected]
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