The Orthodox Church was built in 1893, according to the date written on the tower roof. The facade and the recently built porch, preceeding the entrance and set on columns and arches, are entirely painted. The tympanum above the porch is emphasized as it depicts the The assumption of the Holy Virgin. Another representation of the same scene portraying at its bottom the Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel is inside the porch, above the door. On both sides of the door are depicted scenes from the life of Jesus. The paintings are framed in borders decorated with vegetal and geometric motifs. The tympanum is bordered by two octogonal towers at the upper part, and it has an onion-shaped tin roof. The church also has other two entrances: one if for women, and the one for the priest is towards the altar. Two icons are the most important pieces of the church. They are from the old iconostasis and date from the 18th century and are preserved in the collection of the County Museum of Satu Mare.
County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
România Tel.: 004 0261 737526 Fax.: 004 0261 768761 Email:[email protected]
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