The village is part of the former county of Ugocea, and a numerous Greek Catholic community inhabits it since the 18th century. The present church was built in neoclassic style, in 1836. The tower is added to the western façade, and it has an onion bulb like steeple. The walls of the building are divided in registers by lesenas and prominent cornices. The vault of the nave is made of three separate spherical parts, while the semicircular sanctuary is vaulted too. Niches mark the place of the cantors, the kliros, opened in the church walls. The most valuable element from the inside is the iconostasis, made in the late Rococo style of the end of the 18th century. The master of the iconostasis took as an example the altar-screen of the Uzhorod cathedral, dating from 1777–1779, but he used individual elements too. The tables in front of the main icons are constructed of curved plates, and the icons of the Last Supper and Jesus the main priest are positioned in front of the rest. The carvings are painted in white and gold. The mural paintings were made in the second half of the 20th century. (TSz).
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