The Perényi family, the owner of the village, canceled the right of the Calvinist community to use the mediaeval church, in 1740. The restoration of the church was made in 1767. It is possible that some parts of the medieval church have been reused. The tower with an onion bulb shaped steeple was made in 1833. The sanctuary is polygonal, with buttresses and it is vaulted. It has a vestry with two vaulted chambers. The painting of the altar was made in the middle of the 19th century. The altar was made in the neoromanic style at the end of the 19th century. After the liturgical reform, it was set apart: the altar table (with the inscription with the donators and the year of construction) was left under the painting, the tabernacle was set on the outside of the triumphal arch, and the statues of the four saints were placed on the visible side of the altar for the public. The nave has spherical vault, with visible anomalies. (TSz).
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