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Bocicau village belongs to the district of Tarna Mare and has 647 inhabitants. It was firstly mentioned in documents in 1574. Its first attesting established that it belongs to the domain with the centre in Nyaláb (near Korolevo), the property of the Perényi family. The description from 1796 presents the village as having a bad soil for agriculture, but very rich in oak tree woods. For this reason, the main occupation of the inhabitants was cutting and processing of the wood, the most important source of income in the area.
         The personality that rose from Bocicau is dr. Paul Augustin (1908-1989), the priest of the village until 1985. A great intellectual, he studied in Rome and became doctor in theology. As a priest, he started the works of restoration at the edifice from Bocicau. He died in 1989, and his grave was laid in the yard of the Orthodox Church of the parish he served. 



County Museum of Satu Mare
Bd. Vasile Lucaciu, Nr. 21
440031, Satu Mare
Tel.: 004 0261 737526
Fax.: 004 0261 768761
Email:[email protected]

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